What the Health (is an Actuary)?

Catherine Lewis

Monday, December 9 at 4pm in Olin 201

Abstract: Actuary is a consistently top-ranked job with no graduate school requirements!

If that got your attention, join me for a discussion on the role of actuaries in health insurance. I will share my career trajectory and provide insights into the world of actuarial science. Through examples and case studies, I will illustrate the importance of actuarial science in shaping healthcare decision-making. Whether you're a student considering a career in actuarial science or a just interested in learning more about careers that use math, this talk is sure to provide you with valuable free pizza.


BIO: Catherine Lewis '08 is currently a Senior Actuary at Cambia Health Solutions. After completing a double major in Applied Mathematics and Physics-Astronomy from Whitman College, she worked in various actuarial roles at Cambia Health Solutions and Milliman. With expertise in Medicare Advantage and Medicaid lines of business, Catherine has developed and implemented risk mitigation strategies, priced and strategized for new and emerging Medicaid programs, and evaluated vendor quality performance. Catherine is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). She currently resides in Fresno, CA where she is an active member of her community. (No follow-up questions on this bio will be accepted, as it was entirely AI-generated.)




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