A Path to Applied Mathematics at the DOE

Monday February 27 at 4pm in Olin 201. Dr. Rick Archibald will discuss pathways to careers in applied mathematics at the Department of Energy (DOE). This talk is part of the Computational Research Leadership Council (CRLC) Seminar Series 2022-2023. This presentation will highlight different applied mathematical research that is supported at the laboratory complex at the Department of Energy (DOE). It will focus on data analytics and provide information on various programs designed to foster engagement with the DOE.

 BIO: Dr. Archibald received his Ph.D. in Mathematics, from Arizona State University in 2002. He works in the Computational and Applied Mathematics Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  Dr. Archibald's research interests lie in data reconstruction and analysis, high-order edge detection, large scale optimization, time integration, and uncertainty quantification. 


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