Research Experiences for Undergraduates (summer research opportunities)

On Monday November 7th at 4pm in Olin 201, Joy Nina Nampaso ‘23 and Ahmed Elsayed ‘23 will host a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) information session. REUs are paid research opportunities that are available during the summer at dozens of colleges and universities across the United States every year. They are open to all students, not just students from those institutions. REUs are a great way to get research experience in an area of interest. They are competitive programs so winning one is also a great resume builder. They also provide an opportunity to live in a different part of the country.

Joy and Ahmed are both Student Career Advisors in the Career and Community Engagement Center, and they frequently put on career development workshops and information sessions to support fellow Whitman students. During the REU session, they will provide an overview of the REU process and walk through important aspects of the application process that students should be aware of. Ahmed and Joy will cover topics about where to find REUs, how to apply, and tips & tricks on formulating a strong application.

We will invite previous REU recipients who found their experience during their time at Whitman. They will speak about their experiences and explain what they found necessary to know to successfully participate in an REU. The panelists, as well as the Director of Fellowships and Grants, Jess Hernandez, will have time to answer questions from students.


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